Instant Coffee Process

Instant (or soluble) coffee has been widely used for decades because of its convenience. Popular during the 1970 s it is now present in 27 % of US households and the leading type of coffee served in many countries around the world.The growing demand for high-quality coffee and the proliferation of pod machines in most of the developed regions have been imposing a significant challenge on the development of instant coffee market. In order to remain competitive, instant coffee producers have been adding more of the features of fresh coffee into instant. This is why we have produced 8 different types of coffees including innovative flavored coffees.
Since its invention, researchers have sought to improve instant coffee in a variety of ways. For example, some of the early powdered versions did not dissolve easily in water, leaving clumps of damp powder floating in the cup. Coffee aroma dissipates easily, and manufacturers have tried to develop treatments that will make a jar of instant coffee smell like freshly ground coffee when it is opened. More modern manufacturing processes make instant coffee granules that look more like ground coffee. Finally, a major goal has been to produce an instant coffee that tastes as much as possible like the freshly brewed beverage.
We produce the best coffee made with 100 % Arabica beans from the beautiful highlands of Mexico .Café 1936 is a Torrefecato style, glazed coffee.This process was invented in Spain in 1936 and enjoyed ever since in Cuba and other Latin American countries. It is created by adding small amounts of pure cane sugar at the end of the roasting process. The late stages of roasting produce the most heat, so rather than the sugar adding sweetness, it is burnt and coats the beans in a shiny, delicious caramel colour which gives our coffees their unique flavour and aroma. This venerable technique provides a unique and exquisite alternative for coffee lovers while supplying added antioxidants.
The primary advantage of instant coffee is that it allows the customer to make coffee without any equipment other than a cup and stirrer, as quickly as he or she can heat water. Market researchers have also found that consumers like making coffee without having to discard any damp grounds. Many coffee drinkers worldwide have become so used to drinking instant coffee that they don’t even know what fresh-brewed coffee tastes like !
Roasting at temperatures above 300°F (180°C) drives the moisture out of coffee beans. Beans destined for use in instant products are roasted in the same way as beans destined for home brewing, although the moisture content may be left slightly higher (about 7-10%). The beans are then ground coarsely to minimize fine particles that could impede the flow of water through the industrial brewing system.
The Manufacturing Process
• The manufacture of instant coffee begins with brewing coffee in highly efficient extraction equipment.
• After a filtering step, the brewed coffee is treated in one of several ways to increase its concentration. The goal is to create an extract .
• Part of the enjoyment of making and drinking coffee is smelling the aroma. During the several steps of the manufacturing process, volatile aromatic elements are lost; they must be returned in a later step to produce an attractive instant coffee product.
• To preserve as much of the aroma and flavor as possible, oxygen is removed from the coffee extract.
Two basic methods are available for converting the liquid coffee extract to a dry form. Spray drying is done at a higher temperature, which affects the taste of the final product, but it is less costly than freeze drying.
Spray drying
This is the process we use for our 1936 Coffee Torrefacto
• Cooled, clarified liquid concentrate is sprayed through a nozzle at the top of a drying tower
• Spray drying may be followed by a step to form the powder into coarser particles that will dissolve more completely in the consumer's cup. This is when we add our 100 % pure cane sugar to achieve the Torrefacto process which make 1936 coffees so unique.
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